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Allie Ostrander delivers the steeplechase of her life to finish 7th at Olympic Trials

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Cover Story, Running, Track and Field

Allie Ostrander. Photo by Kevin Morris

Allie Ostrander delivered the steeplechase of her life Thursday night.

So did eight other runners.

Ostrander, the 27-year-old former Kenai Central athlete from Soldotna, slashed 2.88 seconds off her previous personal best (PB) to clock 9 minutes, 21.82 seconds and finish seventh at the U.S. Olympic Trials in Eugene, Ore.

The top nine finishers all generated a PB.

The spots for the Paris Olympics were earned by Val Constien, whose 9:03.22 was a Trials record and an 11-second PB; Courtney Wayment, whose 9:06.50 was a PB by 3.41 seconds; and Marisa Howard, whose 9:07.14 was a startling 15-second improvement on her PB.

Ostrander’s result was particularly impressive given she revealed to reporters afterward that she tested positive for COVID-19 two weeks ago. (Men’s steeplechaser Isaac Updike of Ketchikan, who finished 12th earlier this week in Eugene, also endured COVID-19 in the lead-up to the Trials.)

“I wasn’t even sure I would be here,’’ Ostrander said. “I didn’t know if I’d recover in time. I’m so happy that I was able to do it and it ended up not impacting me too much.

“But I do feel like it takes so much for the stars to align and be able to make the U.S. Olympic Team. It didn’t happen this year, but I think I’m capable of it. A lot of people are capable of it, is the thing. You never know who will have that perfect day, but I’m not done trying.’’

Despite not racing a steeplechase since finishing eighth at the 2021 Trials – she was in treatment for an eating disorder when she raced those Trials — Ostrander this season in the space of five steeple races across two months hacked 5.14 seconds off her PB.

Ostrander’s race Thursday did not go well tactically. She started in Lane 1, but she couldn’t gain position off the line and was shuffled to the back of the 14-woman field. The field was quickly strung out and Ostrander ran much of the race in no-woman’s land, detached from the leading pack. That’s a difficult way to race – no one is breaking the wind or sharing the pace, so the racer in no-woman’s land carries a burden that requires mental toughness.

Ostrander passed that test. That’s not surprising from the recent inductee into the Alaska Sports Hall of Fame. Sponsored by NNormal and based in Seattle, she’s a three-time NCAA steeple champ (Boise State). She’s a former world mountain running junior champion and Mount Marathon legend. And she finished 30th (second among Americans) at the World Cross-Country Championships earlier this year. Ostrander knows tough, and how to race at her limit.

This was Ostrander’s third Olympic Trials and her highest finish. She finished eighth in the steeple at the 2021 Trials and eighth in the 5,000 meters at the 2016 Trials.

Story made possible by:

Black-Smith, Bethard & Carlson

Family of Sponsors

Advanced Diagnostics, INC | Alaska Airlines | Alaska Oil and Gas Association | Alliance for Support of American Legion Baseball in Alaska | Joe Alston | Arctic Slope Regional Corporation | Aspen Endodontics | Glen Bailey | Kathie Bethard | Black-Smith, Bethard & Carlson, LLC. | BOSCO's | Don Clary & Judy Besh | Zareena and Allen Clendaniel | Continental Auto Group | Joey Caterinichio & Ja Dorris | The Conway Family | Donley Family | Jim & Michelle Hajdukovich | Foley & Pearson | JL Properties | Mark and Jamie Johnson | Kristopher Knauss | Loren Kroon | Dr. Justin Libby, DDS | Jason & Shannon Metrokin | Amy and Jason Miller | Multisport Training of Alaska/Lisa Keller | Rick Mystrom | Kathleen Navarre | Seth Wickersham & Alison Overholt | Dave and DeAnne Rand | R&M Consultants, Inc. | RE/MAX Dynamic Properties Kevin Taylor | Replacement Glass | Residential Mortgage | RSA Engineering- Sarah & A.J. Schirack | Tony and Carla Slaton Barker | Sportclips Haircuts | Alice & Gunnar Knapp | Peter Pounds | Dan Rufner | Harlow Robinson | Pete Robinson | Moria Smith | Taylored Restoration | In memory of Drs. John & Elizabeth Tower | Team Heat | Todd Whited | UAA Seawolves | Don Winchester

Family of Sponsors

Alaska Airlines | Nicole Johnston | Richard Mize | Advanced Diagnostics, INC | Aktive Soles | Alaska Oil and Gas Association | Aspen Endodontics | Black-Smith, Bethard & Carlson, LLC. | BOSCO's | Coho Financial Group | Continental Auto Group | Don Clary & Judy Besh | Glen Bailey | Invisalign-Ben Ward | JL Properties | Joey Caterinichio & Ja Dorris| Kathleen Navarre | Midas Alaska | Moose's Tooth, Bear Tooth and Broken Tooth Brewing | Perkins Coie - Sarah & A.J. Schirack | R&M Consultants, Inc. | RE/MAX Dynamic Properties Kevin Taylor | Residential Mortgage | Seth Wickersham & Alison Overholt | Taylored Restoration | Korndrop Family Foundation | Arctic Slope Regional Corporation | Replacement Glass | Zareena and Allen Clendaniel | Foley & Pearson | UAA Seawolves | Tony and Carla Slaton Barker | Sportclips Haircuts | Alliance for Support of American Legion Baseball in Alaska | Alice & Gunnar Knapp | Amy and Jason Miller | Burgerfi | Charles Fedullo | Dan Rufner | Darren Lieb | Don Winchester | Donley Family | Dr. Justin Libby, DDS | Firetap | Harlow Robinson | Jason & Shannon Metrokin | Jim & Michelle Hajdukovich | Joe Alston | Kathie Bethard | Krispy Kreme | Kristopher Knauss | Loren Kroon | Mark and Jamie Johnson | Mark Silverman | On the Border | Pete Robinson | Rick Mystrom | Team Heat | Team Moriarty | The Conway Family | Todd Whited | Moria Smith | In memory of Drs. John & Elizabeth Tower | Peter Pounds | Multisport Training of Alaska/Lisa Keller | RSA Engineering

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